Terima Kasih Kepada Para Gold Sponsor Kami

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Automattic, Bluehost, DomaiNesia, GoDaddy, Hostinger, Jagoan Hosting, SiteGround, Weglot, dan WooCommerce yang telah berpartisipasi dalam acara WordCamp NextGen Tegal 2023 sebagai Gold Sponsor.

Komitmen dan dukungan yang Anda berikan berperan penting dalam kesuksesan acara ini. Dukungan tersebut sangat berarti untuk kami. Semoga kerja sama ini memberikan dampak positif untuk semua pihak yang terlibat. 

  • Aspire


    >Aspire is the all-in-one finance platform for modern businesses, helping over 15,000 companies save time and money with corporate cards, international payments, expense management, payable management, receivable management, and payment gateway solutions – accessible via a single, user-friendly account. Aspire and Duitku are working together to strengthen the new era of small and medium enterprises…

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  • Automattic


    p>At Automattic, we are passionate about making the web a better place. We are the people behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, WordPress VIP, Simplenote, Longreads, WPScan, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, Tumblr, Day One, Pocket Casts, and more. We believe in making the web a better place. We’re a distributed company with 2,007 Automatticians in 97 countries speaking 123 different languages. We’re committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and our common goal is to democratize publishing and commerce…

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  • Bluehost


    p>Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005, and powers over 2 million websites across the world with reliable hosting and personalized guidance. By leveraging the power of WordPress, Bluehost provides the fast website creation methods coupled with intuitive management tools. From secure automated WordPress installations to advanced marketing tools and services, and access to…

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  • DomaiNesia


    >DomaiNesia, didirikan pada tahun 2009, adalah penyedia layanan domain dan hosting terkemuka yang mendedikasikan diri untuk memudahkan pendaftaran domain, hosting web, dan berbagai kebutuhan online. Dengan berfokus pada kualitas, kami telah membangun jejak layanan yang unggul dan terpercaya untuk lebih dari 200.000 pelanggan di seluruh Indonesia. Kami menyediakan beragam solusi, mulai dari pendaftaran domain yang…

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  • GoDaddy


    p>At GoDaddy, our mission is to empower a worldwide community of entrepreneurs by giving them all the help and tools they need to grow online — including a simpler, safer WordPress experience.  We champion our Makers of the Web by delivering a suite of WordPress solutions that enable fast and easy setup and then enables users to harness all the power of the world’s most popular CMS.  The GoDaddy Pro Community…

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  • Hostinger


    >Hostinger is on a mission to help WordPress users find success online. Trusted by over 2 million clients, our managed WordPress hosting plans utilize LiteSpeed servers, Object Caching, and a built-in CDN to deliver fast loading times and consistent uptimes.

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  • Jagoan Hosting

    Jagoan Hosting

    >Jagoan Hosting adalah Perusahaan Teknologi Informasi yang bergerak dalam bidang pelayanan jasa hosting dan domain dan telah menjadi Top Five di Indonesia. Sejak tahun berdirinya di 2007, jagoan hosting berfokus untuk membantu UKM di Indonesia dengan berbagai macam produk dan layanan termasuk didalamnya edukasi dan pelatihan untuk membantu UKM lebih berkembang dalam perjalanan digital mereka.

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  • SiteGround


    p>SiteGround‘s hosting services are crafted to make managing websites easy, whether you’re building a site for yourself, your small business, or your clients. We host over 2.8 Million domain names on a powerful Google Cloud Platform infrastructure, optimized with an array of in-house tools for seamless, faster and more secure WordPress performance:   Our long-term…

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  • Weglot


    p>Weglot is a WordPress multilingual plugin to translate and display your website in multiple languages. It provides a fast first layer of automated translation which you can easily edit yourself or by adding teammates, or collaborate with pro-translators through the Weglot dashboard. Trusted by more than 60,000 website owners and developers and with a 5-star…

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  • WooCommerce


    p>WooCommerce is the most customizable eCommerce platform to build exactly the store you want. From physical products to digital downloads, services, and subscriptions, sell worldwide with the freedom of WordPress. WooCommerce is developed and supported by a distributed team at Automattic, creators of Jetpack and WordPress.com. For more go to WooCommerce.com.

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